Friday, October 22, 2021

I hope YOU REALIZE....

 I hope many of you DO REALIZE... EVERY single KEY STROKE you have and "do"... IS  RECORDED  and  KEPT. Ask yourself "Hmm,  WHY?" EVERY single SEARCH, any CONVERSATION...(WHAT, you thought that was private? or YOU ERASED it?  lol) Doesn't matter, it was typed and it IS RECORDED! WE CURRENTLY  have  TYRANNY in our country, FIGHT TO SAVE IT, for if you do NOTHING...."THAT" is  EXACTLY ALL YOU   deserve.... NOTHING!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


  There are a HOST of subjects on this very informative site. All throughout history, BANKERS  aka "MONEY CHANGERS" , have used a ploy to  keep the masses ie you & I from uniting,by implementing the PROVEN {DIVIDE & CONQUER}yet {THERE IS STRENGTH IN NUMBERS}. They know that and As long as people are easily persuaded into a certain way of being, the term "SHEEPLE"  is used to  label them.

  I have many sites I gather "actual" information from. The Mainstream Media have  been bought out, they are as independent as newborn to its' mother. I will  jot down one or two of these sites in my blogs for you to "look"  for yourself. "I"  give  you the benefit to think for yourselves, much the opposite of  what the body that refers to "itself" as THE GOVERNMENT!


Raw Story 

 What Really Happened 

 Full Specturm Dominance